
For Beautiful Design & Natural Inspiration.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

fifties..for fall 11....egghhh i love...

Cleavage made a, um, big comeback on the Fall runways, with hourglass silhouettes front and center. Nina Ricci's combo of bustier and curve-hugging, below-the-knee pencil skirt had a retro 1950's twist, as did the made-for-Christina Hendricks dresses at Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana. At Prada, meanwhile, Lara Stone and co. made the case that curvy catwalkers should be more than just a novelty{from


our beautiful venus fly traps..still younglings.

their is a rat in the house

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

for liza

i saw theses designs my friend,and it reminded me of ur design style.
from decor 8!!!wonderful blog full of good good design.

beautiful pics...

what beautiful designs

new skinny la minx designs oh so lovely
im so totally in love with the pin cushion design!!!
s.a ...really has talent!!!