
For Beautiful Design & Natural Inspiration.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Revolutionary design.A moss carpet

Designer: Nguyen La Chanh
Made from imputrescible foam called plastazote, the mat includes ball moss, island moss and forest moss. The humidity of the bathroom ensures that the mosses thrive. And that’s why you need to place it there and not anywhere else.

some of my nature photography..

The beauty of an air plant.

Natural seed pod light

A friend creates a beautiful light out of natural paper mache, mimicking nature by taking the shape of a seedpod and creating a holder for a light

TASK: Create a holder.
CONCEPT: The seedpod protects the seeds inside; the seeds represent life; life can be symbolized by light; therefore I contemplated a holder for light. The light shines through the holes where the seeds would naturally reside and symbolizes these tiny elements of new life.
Designer: Anri Vercuiel

Nature inspired swing by Designer: Veronica Martinez
Inspired by the falling of the Autumn leaves.

arty scarfs

The finished flyer for the clothing sale


I created a quick rendition of trees branches and a silhotte of a bird, for the swing tags of vintage and used items of clothing


from new beginnings, I start a page to express my love for design and nature within design.I search for beautiful design that is published on the web or within south africa.Sharing my personal photographs of nature that infuse me with a daily dose of inspraton for my own designs.I am a surface design student that is learning and living the life of design.